
Vantaggi Usability

For a better quality of life

For Piaval usability means verifying the effectiveness, efficiency, safety and satisfaction felt by the person using the product, with particular reference to its adjustment mechanisms. Piaval models meet all the Ergocert assessment criteria in relation to the accessibility of controls, ease of operating the mechanisms – whether manual, gas or electric – the comprehensibility of use, their safety and the satisfaction in using the product. The usage assessments refer both to the direct end user and the worker providing support.

We often perceive even relatively simple objects as difficult to use. Considering usability an important part of the quality of the product, Piaval applies the concept specifically to the mechanical and electrical devices that control the movement of the back, seat and footrest. In this way, ease of use and control is guaranteed, even for users with learning or memory difficulties. From this comes the pleasure of using the product too.

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