
News Pierre Bourrigault for Piaval’s 100 years

  • 29 Aug 2019
  • 2019 is a very special year, when Piaval celebrates a century of specialisation in the production of chairs and tables.

    The ability to innovate and the constant search for quality, the knowledge of wood, a natural material have been the leitmotif of a century of activity. Today Piaval, which is now a valuable industrial reality, still bases its entrepreneurial heritage on its craftsmanship know-how.

    To celebrate this century of commitment, challenges and creativity, Piaval asked French illustrator Pierre Bourrigault to narrate its story through an animation video, accompanied by the sound design of Lorenzo Tomio.

    A touching storytelling that starts from the origins of Piani’s family, describing with poetry themes such as the passion for wood, nature, craftsmanship, care and attention to every detail; values on which Piaval’s philosophy has always been based.

    … The winds, the waves, the flowers, the trees, the rocks, the reeds, everything lives full of souls.
    Victor Hugo

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