Concessione Bando Voucher per la partecipazione alla fiera “Salone internazionale del mobile di Milano 2022”
RIEPILOGO UTILIZZO BUDGET DIREZIONALE Chiave ContabileContoCDRProgettoImporto sostenutoUtilizzo Budget – OnereData d’incasso01.330004.B002.0000.08000203*Interventi finanziati da L.R. 30/07 anno 2020AGEVOLAZIONIUD – BANDO FIERE18.601,006.500,0029/08/2022
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Download Area Health&Care
Welcome to the Download Area Health&Care. Here you can download some general information about our collections. To project with Piaval, please get the following digital resources in the Reserved Area: Complete Catalogue3D ModelsImages of each product Enter the Reserved Area
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